Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Allegory and Banking Concept

In the stories by Freire and Plato, both represent the idea of knowlege and how it is obtained by discussing the student teacher relationship.The banking concept, addressed my Freire, suggests that teachers are all knowing simply because they are the authority figures, and that the students are basically ignorant because they do not have the same knowlege as the teacher. The most systematic approach to learning seems to be the technique in which the teacher gives the student information and that they should memorize and trust in everthing the teacher is telling them. It suggests that the teachers should possibly be more open to the concept of letting the students branch out to learn and experiment with their creativity by thinking critically, not just memorizing. Students can memorize nearly anything without actually any of the material.

By using this memorization method to teach the student, had they not truly learned anything, will not know what to expect or even how to deal with real life situations. Plato uses somewhat similar ideas that Freire does. Both essays infer that the ones gaining knowledge are partly limited by their teacher and what theteacher is trying to teach the students. Plato suggests that the teacher can learn from the students as well and that the students are not ignorant. In allowing the students to critically think and express themselves they can teach others and themselves better than using the memorization method.

However, everyone has to be open to having more than just one right answer to a question. If one is not open minded to other thuoghts and ideas how is one to expand their horizons and think more critically and realistically? Each person should attempt to look multiple points of view. although, one is ultimately the only person who can be responsible for determining what is the "truth" or "fact" for themselves.


Kimbi33 said...

You did a great job in your first paragraph introducing both authors and their essays. This is very important in a synthesis and often times many people forget to mention both authors. I also think you did a good job summarizing the stories and giving the audience an insight. I agree when you wrote both the essays represented the idea of knowledge and how it was obtained buy discussing the student teacher relationship. Although maybe you could have been a little more specific and gone into detail for both the essays giving specific examples. Overall you did a great job!

Susanne said...

I totally agree with you that education should be more than just a one-sided dialog where the teacher does all the work and the student sits back receiving the information unfiltered. Students in general should be forced to question everything the teacher says. He or she should be given room to comment and process the information given in his own unique way. The way Freire approaches education is a two-sided way and encourages students and teachers at the same time to NOT be silent and stoic receivers acting mainly like receptacles but not as critical thinking individuals. I like the fact that you say that for this style of education to be realistic everyone should have an open-mind and needs to attempt to look at various vantage points since we are all different. Plato even goes one step further, i.e. he is arguing that the teacher can even learn something from the student if he realizes that the students are naturally intelligent and have something to contribute. However, I would be very interested to figure out which teacher-student relationship would you prefer, as I think the methods of teaching highly depend on the subject being taught and the level of knowledge already existing in a field of study.

Lily said...

Hey Jess, you brought up a good underlying idea for the two texts and I agree with you that we need to be open minded, looking at different perspectives in order to expand our knowledge because with only looking at one angle of the content, we do not get the whole idea of the entire piece.I also liked how you mention that you are the only person responsible in determining the "truth". It all links together, that if you expand your knowledge, you will have a better idea of how to determine what is the truth. You will have a better idea of the content rather than just seeing one perspective. You did a good job relating the two texts about their explanations of teacher student relationships. Good job on your blog!

Ally03 said...

I thought you did a very good job synthesizing both articles. I thought it was good how you mentioned both articles within in the first paragraph and throughout the the rest of your synthesis. Mentioning both articles within the first paragraph is something people often forget to do. I also agree with you when you say people should be open minded and realize that there is often more then one right answer to a question. Good Job!